Tradição e excelência em despachante

Tradição e


Somos uma empresa de tradição no ramo de despachante na capital goiana. Fundada em 1979, credenciada junto ao DETRAN/GO e filiada nos órgãos de representação da classe (SINDEGO E CRDD/GO). Equipe profissional preparada e integrado ao sistema do DETRAN/GO.

A traffic officer stands on the road directing vehicles with one arm raised. He is wearing a uniform with reflective yellow stripes and a face mask. In the background, there is a large building with multiple windows and people on motorcycles passing by.
A traffic officer stands on the road directing vehicles with one arm raised. He is wearing a uniform with reflective yellow stripes and a face mask. In the background, there is a large building with multiple windows and people on motorcycles passing by.



Confiança e qualidade

Atendimento especializado


Avenida Atilio Correia Lima, Número: 1778


Seg a Sex

CEP: 74.660-355